
Why don’t we lift our hands to Him and just bless His holy name. He is the miracle working God; His name is Yahweh; bless His holy  name; give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration; He is worthy to be praised, He is worthy to be adored, He is worthy to be magnified; bless His holy name; praise the King of kings, praise the Lord of lords. Let Him hear your voice. Tell Him you love Him, tell Him you appreciate Him; magnify His holy name; there is no one like Him. Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration. Bless the King of kings, bless the Lord of lords, bless the Ancient of days; magnify His holy name. worship Him, worship Him; give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration. Thank You Father. Thank You. Thank You Father. You are worthy to be praised. We give You glory. Thank You Father. Blessed be Your holy name.

In Jesus mighty name we worshipped.

Prayer Points

1.     I want you to pray the kind of prayer you have not prayed before: God use me to raise the dead; use me to make blind see; use me to make the lame walk.

Ask for big things, big things. Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.

This year I want to be different, I want to become a mighty vessel unto honour in Your hands, please Lord God Almighty use me mightily for Your glory; use me to win a million souls; use me to build many many churches for you; Lord God Almighty use me to proof to the world that You can make a man more than conqueror, help me demonstrate my victory, help me enforce my victory; let the devil see me coming and run. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus.

And then ask Him for anything you want for yourself now, something personal; request for your family; for your wife, for your husband, for your children; ask for something special. Thank You Father. Thank You.

Let use begin to bring our prayer to a close.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

And so shall it be in Jesus’ name.

2.     Please join your hands together. The Bible says one will chase a thousand, two will pull ten thousand to flight. Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, I am in agreement with this Your child give him wonderful victory.

Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.

Wonderful victory for Your son, for Your daughter, for all Your children here tonight, wonderful victory; wonderful victory, over all enemies known and unknown; give Your children wonderful victory tonight, wonderful victory; Almighty God wonderful victory all round, wonderful victory tonight. Thank You Jesus. Wonderful victory at home, in the place of work, on their journeys, in their churches, everywhere, wonderful victory, wonderful victory; wonderful victory. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

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